The 21st Century will
be the age of Asia. It is our aim to achieve global expansion which is
based on a solid vision of the future, and that is why we began forging
operations in Malaysia in 1996. Of course this means not only setting up
the basic equipment, but also maintaining the same high level of technology
and production capacity for which our operations in Japan are acknowledged.
Based on an intimate system bound by the Internet, we are energetically
continuing to develop products with high added value and to embark ourselves
in new business fields.
The history of forging is over 6000
years old. Forging has also been a major part ot the infrastructure of
Japan's modern industry, and we are proud of the forged products that we
produce. That is why we were the first to meet the challenges of hot forging,
cold forging, and complex forging. We have achieved a level of quality
and precision that is among the top in the world and now we are moving
toward being an all-round forger with an even more global focus than before. |